Duarte´s research focus on the relation between Diabetes and Brain function, hence being in the Centre´s core focus on Regenerative- and translational medicine, but also with significant emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Two years ago João Duarte was recruited as Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow to WCMM LU, and he has established a very productive research group with already an impressive number of publications from the group.
The Duarte group is exploring the coupling between brain metabolism and function, and its deregulation in diabetes, as well as contributing to identify strategies for rescuing brain metabolic regulation in diabetes. Insulin signalling has a role in modulating brain function, namely through control of metabolism and synaptic plasticity, and its deterioration occurs in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and in diabetes mellitus. Metabolic alterations are likely early events in the process of neurodegeneration, this line of research may thus provide early biomarkers for diagnosing risk of cognitive deficits.
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