Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine Lund
2014 and 2015 marked the establishment of four Wallenberg Centres for Molecular Medicine at the universities of Gothenburg, Linköping, Lund and Umeå in collaboration with the respective health care regions.
The centres represents an initial ten-year and more than 800 million SEK investment from The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW), with a prolongation period for 2025-2028 with further funding of 240 million SEK, to support young scientists from the fields of molecular and translational medicine.
The Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine at Lund University is comprised of 10 young internationally excellent WCMM Fellows. In parallel, 12 top clinical researchers have received 4-year half-time positions that includes a generous grant. This recruitment of fellows and associated clinical researchers, specialists in clinical medicine, builds on the KAW national effort to reposition Sweden as a world-leading life science nation. Each of the four WCMMs is co-funded by the universities, municipalities, regions, industry organizations and other local funding.
In Lund, fellows and clinical researchers were recruited in pairs within the same research sub-area. The idea behind that was that the pairing would serve as a bridge between preclinical and clinical research to facilitate translational research. Also, interdisciplinary collaboration among other fellows and clinical researchers within WCMM Lund, which really have developed and extended during the last years between the different WCMM groups but also with other WCMM centres in Sweden and SciLifeLab.
The research at WCMM Lund is supported locally and nationally from cutting-edge infrastructure, ranging from advanced imaging techniques, including MAXIV, to the national SciLifeLab platforms. The centre supports the coming generation of researchers, through a Research School, a postdoc program and yearly WCMM LU Research Days.
The daily work at WCMM LU is done by a working group consisting of: director, clinical co-director, preclinical co-director, research coordinator/communicator, economist and two WCMM fellow representatives. The working group has weekly meetings and decisions are anchored in a steering group led by the Dean of the medical faculty of Lund University.